Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed with responsibilities, usually serving others and forgetting about your own balance?

  • Ready to go to „next-level“ where your days FLOW simply as you want with high energy, motivation, happiness and excitement?

  • Find yourself at the crossroad of challenging situations or choices in life?

  • Feeling stuck to move forward? Restless to have it all?

If your heart is saying YES! YES! YES! YES! we've got your back, sister!;)

Let‘s be honest.. all of us have been conditioned in life by our environment around us.. if we just knew that EVERYTHING is in our hands since the very beginning of this journey! If you feel running this „rat-race“ or getting soaked in into your daily to-dos believe me you are not alone! Our team (which happened to be a family as well:) has been going through this exiting path of personal transformations (collectively for the past 50+ years!). From near death experiences, healing our bodies from chronic illnesses, changing our lifestyles 360 degrees, to quitting our well-paid corporate careers to serving thousands in their personal growth journeys. Coming from a background with not many opportunities we‘ve CHOSEN to listen to our inner voice and train our "instrument" - INTUITION which NEVER lies.. If you are constantly feeling that you could do more while enjoying more, we are happy to introduce you the SELF-MASTERY intuition empowerment guide for women of impact with simple yet powerful techniques to live your best life TODAY!

An online guide for spiritual female entrepreneurs who want to:

  • Dive deep into your SPIRITUAL journey through meditations and energy work

  • Take care of their BODY and “hack” their health with energizing foods to boost their immune system, have more energy, sleep well and live long😊

  • Manage EMOTIONS, mood swings and be in constant flow with embodiment practices

  • Tap into ancient wisdom techniques and your highest potential to live your authentic legacy TODAY creating a positive shift in the world!

Connect all four bodies:


    Get your body energized and nourished with high-vibe, easy to cook recipes and routine "hacks" to boost your day!


    Connect with deeper layers of your body, open your heart and raise your vibration!


    Get clarity of your mind and your priorities straight.


    Get your soul nourished with guided meditations and hear your intuition that is the most profound tool to use!

What's inside the course:

Lifetime access of all professional recordings!

    1. Understanding the 4 bodies

    1. Introduction: taking care of your body

    2. Harmonizing morning routine

    3. Recipe: healing Balinese drink

    4. Recipe: alkalizing green juice

    5. Recipe: raw sushi

    6. Recipe: heart opening cacao drink

    7. 3 power drinks for your wellbeing

    8. Healthy and high vibrational food menu

    1. Introduction: creating clarity in your mind

    2. STEP 1: Your IKIGAI and the reason for BEING

    3. STEP 2: Creating your VISION

    4. STEP 3: My plan

    1. Introduction: working with your emotional body

    2. Body awakening practice

    3. Connecting to your femininity

    4. Core values and obstacles

    5. 8 human emotional needs

    1. Introduction: meeting your inner shadows and connecting to inner silence

    2. Meeting your inner shadows: INNER JUDGE

    3. Meeting your inner shadows: CRITIC

    4. Meeting your inner shadows: VICTIM

    5. Connecting with "Who I AM" state

    6. Breathwork practice journey through 7 chakras: Introduction

    7. Breathwork practice journey through 7 chakras

About this course

  • €255,00
  • 35 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content

Meet your guides: 4 personal development practitioners in one!

Now Be You team

4 personal development and trasformation experts in one team! Our team has bean creating and leading women empowerment retreats, online and mentoring programs for 10+ years around the globe. Leonora Be You is a psychologist, meditation and spiritual growth guide, energy healer, book author and speaker who had near death experience and a gift to connect with higher realms from the very early age. Ieva Blekaityte is a people & Organizational culture expert, wellbeing at work mentor and women leadership coach with 15+ years experience in leading corporations globally. Egle Blekaityte is business mentor for purpose driven entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs Institute Flow consultant, personal branding expert, conscious business events and empowering retreats organizer across the globe. Vytautas Vaicaitis is a plant based nutrition specialist, Hippocrates Institute (USA) lifestyle practitioner and coach, plant based chef working internationally in private events and transformational retreats, a living example of healing his chronic illness through changing his nutrition and inspiring many others to do so.
Look. We know there are many personal development programs out there. But this is nothing like you‘ve tried before.. we‘ve been in service for the past 10+ years working with 2000+ women that were 100% satisfied with the quality of our programs and came back for more.. In fact, we always over deliver.. so if you are not looking for a quick-fix 3-step formulas that suppose to change your life but rather want a more in-depth experience with real stories and practices that we and thousands or women LIVE by, then come join us!

We've witnessed thousands of transformations

see what other women are saying about working with NOW BE YOU team

“I learned more working through the course than in 20 years! I lost my false believes about myself, I've saved my marriage, started to believe in myself more and transformed my career into estabslishing my business. Thanks to Vytautas, my nutrition also has changed and I've lost weight too.”

Liudmila, chef and entrepreneur

“I thought I was happy and fulfilled, however, deep inside, I was trying to find out who I was, what's self-love and femininity. My heart has opened, and I started hearing it as if I have gotten rid of my shackles and grew wings. Now I dare to accept the real me and I've continue on my soul's path doing what I love.”

Renata, medium and entrepreneur

“I did everything without the proper understanding of who I was. I was enjoying motherhood but always felt like something was missing. And when you're tired, the question "is there's anything more" starts coming up. Eventhough working with yourself is not always pleasant, after doing the work you feel so good and light. You get so much energy and start looking at and planning your life differently. ”

Jovita, cartographer and educator

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